Options ======= **ranjg** uses options during generation and you can specify some options. For example: >>> schema = { >>> 'type': 'object', >>> 'required': ['sent_flg'], # generated must contains 'sent_flg' >>> 'properties': { >>> 'sent_flg': {'type': 'boolean'}, # generated[sent_flg] is boolean value >>> } >>> } >>> options = Options(default_prob_of_true_given_bool=0.2) # 0.2 = 20% >>> generated = ranjg.gen(schema, options=options) >>> assert isinstance(generated['sent_flg'], bool) # -> it's True with probability 20% or False with probability 80% Options also apply to the generation of descendant elements, as described above, and allow you to specify generation rules that are not specified in the schema. The following pages show keywords of Options. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: References: ranjg-options_enum ranjg-options_string ranjg-options_boolean ranjg-options_array ranjg-options_object Options file ------------ You can also use ``ranjg.gen`` with a file containing the options. For example: >>> schema = { 'type': 'boolean' } >>> ranjg.gen(schema, options_file='./options.json') # -> returns True or False with options file ./options.json: .. code-block:: json { "default_prob_of_true_given_bool": 0.2 } In addition, you can also specify options in command line execution. For example: .. code-block:: shell $ python -m ranjg ./schema.json --options ./options.json