ranjg package


Module contents

ranjg.gen(schema: Optional[dict] = None, *, schema_file: Optional[str] = None, output_file: Optional[str] = None, output_file_list: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, output_fp: Optional[TextIO] = None, output_fp_list: Optional[Iterable[TextIO]] = None, options: Optional[ranjg.options.Options] = None, options_file: Optional[str] = None, multiplicity: Optional[int] = None, schema_is_validated: bool = False, return_none: bool = False, context: Optional[ranjg._context.GenerationContext] = None)

Generate something randomly according to the JSON schema.

This function is not fully compliant with the JSON schema, and unsupported parameters in the schema are ignored. See also ranjg-JSON-schema to explore the supported parameters.


The following code is most simple usage.

>>> import ranjg
>>> schema_dict = { 'type': 'string' }
>>> ranjg.gen(schema_dict)    # -> returns some string

By replacing the contents of schema_dict, you can change the value to be generated.

If you want to specify a schema without a python dict but with JSON file, you can use argument schema_file.

>>> import ranjg
>>> schema_path = './schema_file.json'
>>> ranjg.gen(schema_file=schema_path)  # -> returns some value

If you want to get the result as JSON file, you can use argument output_file or output_fp. (Following two examples will run similarly.

>>> import ranjg
>>> schema_dict = { 'type': 'string' }
>>> ranjg.gen(schema_dict, output_file='./output.json')
>>> # -> returns the result value and writes the result to specified file
>>> import ranjg
>>> schema_dict = { 'type': 'string' }
>>> with open('./output.json', 'w+') as out_fp:
>>>     ranjg.gen(schema_dict, output_fp=out_fp)
>>>     # -> returns the result value and writes the result to specified file
  • schema (dict, optional) – JSON schema object. See also ranjg-JSON-schema. Only one of this argument or schema_file needs to be specified.

  • schema_file (str, optional) – The path to JSON schema file. This JSON schema is used instead of the argument schema.

  • output_file (str, optional) – The path to a file where the result will be output as JSON. If multiplicity is specified, a list consisting of the generated values will be output as json.

  • output_file_list (Iterable[str], optional) – The list of paths to a file where the result will be output as JSON. It repeats the generation and outputs each result to each file.

  • output_fp (TextIO, optional) – The writing object of a file where the result will be output as JSON. If multiplicity is specified, a list consisting of the generated values will be output as json.

  • output_fp_list (Iterable[TextIO], optional) – The list of writing objects of files where the result will be output as JSON. It repeats the generation and outputs each result to each file.

  • options (Options, optional) – The options for generation.

  • options_file (str, optional) – The path to options file. This is parsed as JSON to an Options instance.

  • multiplicity (int, optional) – If specified, it repeats the generation for the specified number of times and returns the results as a list.

  • schema_is_validated (bool, optional) – Whether the schema is already validated or not. (In normal usage, this argument is not specified.)

  • return_none (bool, default=False) – If it is True, this function returns None. (If it is False, the result contains all outputs. In particular, if it is repeated a lot, such as when a large list is specified in output_file_list, it may overwhelm memory.)

  • context (GenerationContext) – The context of construction. (In normal usage, this argument is not specified. This argument is for using this function recursively.)


Generated something. It is satisfies the JSON schema. However, if multiplicity is specified, it returns a list, each element of which satisfies the schema.
