Options for Object Generation

When generating an object, some options will be used.

Schema of Properties

When generating each property, the following steps will determine the schema to be used.

  1. If options.priority_schema_of_properties contains the key, the corresponding value will be used as the schema.

  2. If schema.properties contains the key, the corresponding value will be used as the schema.

  3. options.default_schema_of_properties will be used as the schema.

The following is an explanation in order.

Priority Schema of Each Property

If options.priority_schema_of_properties contains the key, the corresponding value will be used as the schema, and schema.properties will be ignored.

>>> import ranjg
>>> from ranjg.options import Options
>>> schema = {
>>>     'type': 'object',
>>>     'required': ['id', 'code'],
>>>     'properties': {
>>>         'id': {'type': 'integer'},
>>>         'code': {'type': ['string', 'null']},  # type contains 'null'
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> priority_schema_of_properties = {
>>>     'code': {'type': 'string', 'pattern': r'OBJ\d\d\d'}  # type doesn't contain 'null'
>>> }
>>> options = Options(priority_schema_of_properties=priority_schema_of_properties)
>>> generated = ranjg.gen(schema, options=options)
>>> assert isinstance(generated['code'], str)   # str beginning with 'OBJ', cannot be null


With the exceptions mentioned above, schema.properties is used. See also Object Generation.

Default Schema

If the schema used cannot be determined according to the above, options.default_schema_of_properties will be used instead.

>>> import ranjg
>>> from ranjg.options import Options
>>> schema = {
>>>     'type': 'object',
>>>     # property 'code' is required
>>>     'required': ['id', 'code'],
>>>     'properties': {
>>>         'id': {'type': 'integer'},
>>>         # schema of 'code' is not specified
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> default_schema = {'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 0}
>>> options = Options(default_schema_of_properties=default_schema)
>>> generated = ranjg.gen(schema, options=options)
>>> assert 'code' in generated  # because property 'code' is required
>>> assert generated['code'] == 0  # default_schema_of_properties is used because schema.properties doesn't have 'code'

Probability of Non-Required Properties

When generating a dict, properties in schema.required are always generated, but properties in schema.properties and not in schema.required are also generated with probability options.default_prob_of_optional_properties. For example:

>>> import ranjg
>>> from ranjg.options import Options
>>> schema = {
>>>     'type': 'object',
>>>     # 'age' is not required
>>>     'required': ['id'],
>>>     'properties': {
>>>         'id': {'type': 'integer'},
>>>         'age': {'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 0},
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> options = Options(default_prob_of_optional_properties=1.0)  # 1.0 = 100%
>>> generated = ranjg.gen(schema, options=options)
>>> assert 'age' in generated  # generated contains 'age' with probability 100%